Help Translate "SentAutoMove"
If you want to help translate SentAutoMove into a new language or improve an existing translation, you're in the right place!
Your contributions are invaluable in making SentAutoMove accessible to a wider audience.
On this page, you'll find links for each language, as well as a way to add a new one.
The tool is easy to use:
- Click on the language you want to translate or improve to open a new page.
- On the page you'll find all the string to be translated.
- Enter the translation in the "Target language" field.
- When the job is completed, click on "Project" and then "Release".
- Download the messages.json file and send it to or open a pull request.
Choose the link for the language you want to translate or improve, or start a new one:
- No translated locales at the moment.
- Translate in a new language
More info on the tool
The target field
- This is the translated text
- Feedback:
- Text unchanged
- No translation provided (empty)
- You have changed the field
The row
There are 3 states:
- The original and target text already existed and have not changed
- All the other cases
- A To Do case where you have marked done
- You can filter which row are visible though the 'Visible' menu
Thank you for your support in enhancing SentAutoMove for everyone!